In it, Pastor Rondy Long says he believes that more gay pastors will be exposed in due time. Here's a copy of his rather lengthy response to his cousin's sex scandal:
It is with great sorrow and concern that we response to this latest news. Many of you know that I am related to Bishop Eddie Long and I am very concerned about the recent developments- yet not surprised. For years we have known that this was happening. Of course, as you can imagine, because of my stance on Homosexuality, I am very distant from many of my relatives in 'Main-stream' ministry. We have prayed for these guys some of them we have spoken to directly about this secret sin in 'the family' (Eddie is not the only one) but to no avail. My heart has already wept for them years ago, but now my heart weeps for you, the public because now you know what we knew for years but could not publicly say.
There are other BIG Bishops tied to this kind of activity as well. There was one young man who came out and started sharing how Jakes, Long, and others had a sex-ring of young men that they flew around the country to do favors for them and their friends. After he started talking, he was mysteriously beaten up, and then the Minister ( a personal friend of mine) who was in contact with the young man all of a sudden lost contact. People this stuff is foul. Yet God never leaves his people in the dark some of you remember that a little over a month ago in our daily word we said this:
July 27, 2010
God seems to have a progression when it comes to Judgement. First there is minimal disclosure so that a person can repent. What I mean is that God protects His people from public embarrassment by only exposing these people to, usually, a few discreet people who can go to them, warn them and possibly restore them. Folks, most of the people that many of you love and adore in Gospel Music or in Preaching ministry are foul. Some of them I know personally and others I know of who have been involved in sin so depraved that it would make some of you vomit. Yet, why hasn't God publicly exposed or judged them yet? Because He is merciful and full of Grace. There are some very great people that God had me personally go to and warn some listened (Glory to God!) but most of them didn't.
The next stage is exposure to all spiritual Christians. Years ago I would tell my wife there was something wrong with T. D. Jakes and the turns he was making. Hardly anybody recognized it back then I know several people that have warned him G. Craige being one. But he didn'?t listen. Now it seems almost anybody who is spiritual is picking up on what Jakes is doing. Now the last stage of judgment if a person doesn't repent during the first two stages is public humiliation -everybody knows your sin. God strips you of everything and He judges you openly. Folks I have seen this happen over, and over.
August 5, 2010
'Almost always, by the time you see a pastor on the news or he loses his church you can be certain' that this was probably not his first, second, or third time, but he was a repeat offender who ignored clear warnings from God, and wouldn't repent. The difference between the leaders that salvage their ministries and those that lose them seems to be in this: One Pastor is so remorseful that He exposes himself to his wife and close circle; but the other Pastor keeps doing it until he is caught. By the time most leaders lose their ministry they have been warned several of times, but they wouldn't repent. I will say this prophetically there are some very Big Black TV Pastors that will be exposed for sexual sins in the near future.
I don't glory in the sin or the exposure. But I do glory in the accuracy of the Spirit of God. Let's all be praying for Bishop Eddie Long his wife Lady Vanessa his children but mostly all of the true Christians that this news will damage and all of the sinners this news will keep from the church. Also pray for the many victims of this type of sick activity by leaders in the black church?
yall somebody is going to pay for all of the young people that have been molested and sodomized by these so called 'Men of God.'
Until He Comes,
Rondy Long
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